“After years of priding myself on being a “high performer” I was diagnosed with a rare, serious and chronic Autoimmune Disease. 

I had always considered myself a strong person, and had been very dedicated to physical fitness and regimented nutrition. I rose before the sun and was 100% on the go all day every day, both physically and mentally.

Suddenly my physical health was rapidly deteriorating and my mental health was on a steep decline. 

The loss of the sense of control was overwhelming, I was unable to get a hold on myself to move forward. 

I was placing extraordinary pressure on my family – my husband and kids, highly emotional and extremely fatigued. I was giving nothing to those I loved most, and guilt around this was only adding to my stress.” 

How did this impact your performance? i.e. Were you stressed, seeing inefficiencies, fatigued?

“I lost all capacity to focus – on my family, on my work, each day I was overwhelmed with fear and paralysing anxiety. 

The medical treatments were confronting and slow working, so when I couldn’t see immediate results I felt even more panicked. 

The stress was amplifying my physical symptoms too – affecting mobility, causing pain and withdrawal. 

I couldn’t work, had no desire to socialise, was distracted from my kids, my husband, my parents, so my whole world was upside down.” 

What were the benefits of the program?

“Where do I start, the impact can only be described as profound. 

From my very first session, I felt physically lighter. 

Kate (Kelee Meditation Teacher) was able to so effectively guide me though my first ever (Kelee Meditation) practise, that I immediately craved the learning to be able to find this space again. And each time I did, the head noise quietened, the tabs were closed, and I connected immediately with the present instead of jumping into the unknown and fears of the future, or looping over scenarios of the past. 

As we worked through the steps I was able to unpack feelings and experiences, reflected on my own habits and behaviours, and found myself responding differently to the emotions of stress, fear and anxiety. I spent more time valuing my people. I considered deeply who my people were. 

And then of course I found calm. And all the physical benefits that came from that. I was once again able to relax my body, to breathe through confronting and stressful situations, to check myself before irrational thoughts and fears arose.” 

I learnt to self regulate – in body and mind. 

“My heart rate dropped, my inflammatory markers dropped, my blood pressure dropped. The reduction in stress and cortisol allowed the body to respond to the treatment. My symptoms began to ease, and my body stopped attacking itself.  

My medical team were all very quick to credit and recognise the enormous benefits of my effective meditation techniques on calming the nervous system and its inflammatory response.

I was heartened by the merit they placed on the connection between the mind and physical wellness. It showed progressive thinking in high level traditional medicine – I knew I had the right Doctors. 

Kate and the (Free Your Mind) program taught me to be kinder to myself, to set kinder expectations of myself and those I love. I have learned an enormous amount about being present, being in the moment, with the right people.” 

What did you most appreciate about working with your Coach?

“I first spoke with Kate when I was at my most vulnerable. Meditation and mental wellbeing was an area I had spent very little time on, and I was unsure of what to expect. 

My connection with Kate was immediate. She is kind, empathetic, compassionate, patient, extraordinarily intelligent, insightful and a brilliant communicator. She exudes warmth and is so genuine in her care for the wellbeing of her client. 

Kate gently guided me through an incredibly difficult time in my life, but we also experienced sessions full of joy as revelations of light came through. We celebrated wellness and gratitude together and they were special moments that I really treasure.” 

Are there any additional comments or suggestions you’d like to share?

“My experience with Kelee has been incredibly profound. Often words such as life changing are thrown around, however I am unable to convey how extraordinarily involving this practice into my every day has helped me grow and continue to thrive. 

I cannot recommend this program highly enough. Be open to learning, be open to something new. The discovery will be bluer skies, greener trees, and most importantly an awareness of self that you will value forever.”

Written by Lou.